Human Trafficking
Experience Matters
Attorney Angela Bortel has over eleven years experience in working with trafficked persons and individuals, prostitution, training professionals and researching human trafficking in the United States and Russia. Ms. Bortel is a published author and has presented at domestic and international conferences. She has worked and volunteered for organizations including The Advocates for Human Rights (Minneapolis, MN), SAGE (San Francisco), The Angel Coalition (Russia) and Breaking Free (St. Paul, MN).
The Bortel Firm, LLC, represents human trafficking victims and individuals involved in prostitution in civil suits and immigration cases. Civil suits may include suing traffickers or patrons of prostitution for damages for the harm they have caused. Immigration cases include different types of visas, such as T visas or U visas, as well as representation in removal proceedings in Immigration Court.
The Bortel Firm, LLC, can lend its expertise to your work by providing direct representation, technical support , legal research and writing, or project management to your human trafficking projects. Angela Bortel is also available on a case-by-case basis for expert testimony or consultation on sex trafficking and prostitution in criminal prosecutions or civil cases.